About us

The GEARx Foundation, formerly known as Schools for Slowing the Spread (SSS), found its 501c(3) nonprofit roots during the coronavirus pandemic by making school-branded facemasks to promote awareness, social hygiene, and to raise money for both local and national COVID-19 initiatives.

Though our name has changed, our vision is clear as ever- To serve as a vehicle for health awareness, engagement, and social responsibility.

In pursuit of that vision, our mission is to serve higher education institutions and other non-profit organizations as the conscientious alternative for promotional product needs.

Similar to the facemask fundraisers, our profits are used to support charitable healthcare initiatives, and we have since broadened our scope to support a wider variety of social and health-related causes beyond COVID-19. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on our partnerships with local family-owned businesses for decorating services, thereby supporting the local economies where our clients reside.

Look good, feel good, and do good by partnering with us for your premium product needs. Contact us today for a custom quote or product inquiry!

Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine

Patagonia Collection, 2023